Parish Organisations

Various groups and organisations within the Parish.

Apostolic Work Society

apolostic work societyThe society does wonderful voluntary work for the missions abroad. Its members make vestments, knit garments and send sacred vessels on request from priests and nuns working in the missions.

Contact (093) 41336



The choir has been enhancing our liturgies for many years.
New members are always welcome.

Contact (093) 41447

St Joseph's Young Priests Society

saint josephs young priests

Promotes vocations to the priesthood and assists young students financially.
Meeting monthly after the first Friday Mass.


Liturgy Group


The Liturgy Group organise lay involvement in our Masses.

Contact (093) 41472

Bethany Bereavment Support Group

bethany support group

Whatever your bereavement it will be dealt with in a sensitive and caring way. This is a free, confidential service and is run by trained facilitators.

Contact (087) 6212721


ptaa logo Corofin Pioneer Centre was founded over 50 years ago. It has members from every age group.

 Contact (093) 41472


Parish Pastoral Council

Assisting the parish priest in his ministry.

Contact (093) 41427

Parish Finance Committee

Contact (093) 41398

Baptism Team

The Baptism Team helps families prepare for Baptism and can be contacted through the Parish Office (093) 41427